It is the on-demand availability of computer services like servers, networking, databases, data storage, etc. In this conceptual article, we'll provide a general overview of cloud computing, its history, delivery models, offerings, and risks. Covering SaaS news, cloud computing jobs, virtualization strategy, cloud apps and enterprise IT, private and public cloud, system security, cloud apps, CRM and cloud communications, Cloud Tech provides the latest insight that enables CIOs to make informed decisions about IT strategy. Here at RHwebdesigns, you can find content as per your interests such as tech news, updates, trends, technology, business ideas, finance, and future tech articles, among other things. We also add writers profiles to our home page and every article includes a writer biography and a link to your company website. It relates to storing and accessing data over the Internet rather than through a computers hard drive. amazon server + become a contributor AWS cloud + accepting guest posts We are only accepting guest blogs from industry thought leaders, decision makers, entrepreneurs and industry experts in the field of IT. Be original & error-free: i. IEEE Cloud Computing magazine seeks accessible, useful papers on the latest peer-reviewed developments in cloud computing. Interested writersshould send an email with the subject Guest Blogging to Cloud Computing Write for Us - Cloud Computing is an information technology that allows you to take advantage of the internet to remotely. 2. We are constantly looking for passionate industry professionals or cloud experts to write and contribute articles to feed the curiosity of a global community. Infographics, Case Studies, and Checklists. We, however, go beyond news and views, and are mainly interested in posts that offer value. Cloud computing allows organizations to perform a variety of analytical computational, or service-based operations without the need to maintain sophisticated hardware setups at the premises. We only accept one or two backlinks based upon quality of the content. Finally, when we talk about hybrid cloud, we are referring to the union of the two previous ones, that is to say, the combination that allows data and applications to be share between them. Understanding which metrics set apart a certain service, or which features will cost the most money in the long run, is an important cloud computing skill. iii. We accept guest posts and article contributions only from fellow bloggers in the same niche as Write for us on Cryptocurrency or Crypto. The writing style and content should be completely original and display your personality as a writer. cloud computing + becoming a guest blogger Promote your post: Once your post is published, be sure to promote it through social media and other channels. CloudKatha is happy to announce the opening of guest posting option for all our tech enthusiast, who want to master the niche technologies by sharing the knowledge. The writing style and content should be completely original and display your personality as a writer. The community to connect all the cloud newbies to the cloud ninjas. Meanwhile, Are you excited to view your article on our website? How to Submit Your Pitch (Technology WriteForUs), We will be excited if you contribute content to, Make sure the subject of your email includes the phrase, Guest Posts at Three Windows, Regarding Guest Post, Guest Post Submission, Regarding Guest Post Submission, Guest Post Opportunity, Sponsored Post Opportunities,. We, Mashableonline, are focused on bringing thoughts, motivation, strategy, and tools to help our customers raise their business and succeed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Your CV could seriously make or break your cloud computing career. In return, we promote your precious content through our website and share it on all social media websites. To discuss article ideas send your company name, job title and examples of previous articles you have written to our MarketingTech editorial team: . Article should be in depth and easy to comprehend. Virtualization and new technology considerations. 4.7. Write for CloudTech Enhance your reputation as an industry thought leader. Cloud governance (transparency of processes, legal frameworks, and consumer monitoring and reporting). Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved. In the next 18 months, respondents said their organizations' share of SaaS (versus on-prem) applications would rise to 36 . Topics that have been covered ago on our blog. Education Write for us. Technical Master is the best platform for everyone, which provides tech/gaming news and guides, the latest content on laptops, gaming PCs, wearables, phones, gaming products, reviews, cybersecurity, business, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, and more. Today, business leaders are seeking to gain knowledge from the different technical fields for making a correct decision. Current contributors to cloud computing include CIOs, IT experts, and professionals who lead the way in industry discussion, analysis and thought leadership. And try to meet the deadline of 7 to 24hrs. Article length can be between 700-3000 words. We will examine your content & publish it on our website. Sharing your expertise with our audience and engaging with industry professionals around the world is simple. 9. The concept of the cloud should not be confused with that of Network Attached Storage (NAS), which many companies use through a server in residence. Please feel free to email us Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved by Marketing Marine, Cloud Computing Write For Us Contribute and Submit Post, Understanding MSME loans: what they are and why they are important, The Benefits and Drawbacks of Leasing a Car, 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Life Insurance Quote. If youre a business considering using a cloud service, remember that your choice will depend on cost, availability, performance, and expectations. There are three types of cloud computing here: public, private and hybrid. PaaS (Platform as a Service), provide businesses with an ideal Cloud platform for developing, testing, distributing and managing software applications. Cloud-Secure Tech is one of the leading platforms dedicated to Cloud based Disaster Recovery & Backup services, Information Security and Governance. Writing a Successful Business Plan For Your Cloud Computing Business + Template. Here again, the 2020 Cloud Computing Survey offers bullish results. We do have certain criteria that you are required to fulfill. . Feel free to add a bit of humor into the content. While it takes time, investment and work to get platform engineering stood up internally, the benefits such as cost savings, accelerated speed of delivery, improved system reliability . Copyright 2020 CloudKatha - All Rights Reserved, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Write for Us Cloud Computing | AWS | Cyber Security | DevOps | IoT, Subscribe an SQS Queue to an SNS Topic using CloudFormation, Send SNS Notification from AWS Lambda using Python Boto3, How to Create EC2 Instance using Terraform with Key Pair on AWS, How to Create Key Pair in AWS using Terraform in Right Way, How to Create IAM Role in AWS using Terraform. Why You Should Choose Plastic Storage Drawers Over Traditional Shelving, 5 Reasons You Shouldnt Boot Up Windows 7, Grow Your Business With Telecommunication, The advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, 10 Application Examples for Blockchain Technology in Digital Marketing, The best voice assistants: Google Home vs. Amazon Echo. 6. Cloud management (balancing automation and robustness with monitoring and maintenance). the teachers and the students. The SaaS model makes software accessible through an app or web browser . The authors must adhere to a set of standards that you must adhere to while creating the article for us. Despite its prevalence, cloud computing can be a confusing concept. An application is review. with valuable content to publish their content with. Feel free to add a bit of humor into the content. hybrid cloud + contributor guidelines If you are a brand and looking for the opportunity to submit a post to promote your brand to a larger set of audience, please get in tough with us for details at below email address. Cloud computing has gone a long way to becoming the most preferred way of accessing software tools, documents, and other files over the internet. To Write for Us, you can email us at, Cloud + write for us These standards assist us in distinguishing ourselves from the rivals and improve the standard of our work and content. Guest Posts Submission Necessities (Business Technology Write For Us), 1. Other disadvantages of cloud computing include: risk of vendor lock-in. It is a one-stop destination for IT news, CXO interviews . Since the cloud is designed exclusively for this, all processes are base on the companys reality. However, some NAS can access data remotely over the Internet. , Android & Apple iOS Apps, Games, Reviews, & Ratings. The content should be interesting and distinct in order to entice the audience to read it. Others are used publicly or bound by technology. If you have any questions, feel free to email lead editor Brian Brannon at Articles, Business Articles, Mobile Technology, and more to see. and write a short description to introduce yourself. The main goal of TechnoCults's technology writing is to encourage excellent writers to write different themes & post them on our website. 5. These local networks do not fit the definition of the cloud. The authors that are knowledgeable and talented in composing blogs that meet our expectations and standards are the ones with whom we like working in collaboration. 4. We only accept guest blogs from Senior IT executives, CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, COOs, IT managers, etc. Virtualization considerations and new technology. I at valley ai has started to give writers an opportunity to write for us about technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, cloud computing, the internet, computer, web security, and . ii. 1 link allowed from within content to your website inner page, Outbound links have to be highly relevant and high authority sites (NO linking to Wikipedia), Double check for any typos, grammar error, spelling errors, facts, accuracy, names, dates, attributions and outbound links, Bold, italics and exclamation marks must not be over used. 5. InformIT brings technology experts and publishing experts together to create industry-leading training tools that help technology professionals succeed in their daily jobs. To Write for Us, you can email at, Technology Write For Us Technology Blog, [technology + write for us + guest post], guest post or guest blogging or write for us + farming tips, consulting guest blogging opportunity write for us, coaches guest blogging opportunity write for us, Having any Idea to Contribute on Web and Tech? A minimum of 1000 words is recommended. Finally, cloud computing is often more affordable than traditional computing solutions, making it an attractive option for companies looking to reduce their e-commerce costs. public cloud + contributing writer less control over underlying cloud infrastructure. We will review the content and share feedback with you to incorporate in the article if any. cloud hosting + guest post courtesy of Business Analytics. Reserved rights: Please note that we reserve the right to rework posts for clarity and length. 6. Every writer is required to follow the criteria and instructions provided here.
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