This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Usually even those who are sensitive to dairy can tolerate ghee. I want to do the GAPS Diet, where do I start? In addition to delectable textures and flavor zingers, these carnivore diet condiments supply your carnivore meals with electrolytes, healthy fats, and fat-soluble vitamins. Carnivore Style may contain affiliate links. For strict carnivore, there arent any plant foods at all - no vegetables, no herbs, no coffee, nothing. In most cases, the suppliers at these markets will be providing only grass-fed and pasture-raised animal products, which is a big bonus for those who want to try the carnivore diet. sugar-filled condiments, french fries fried in vegetable oil, and a large soft drink. We used to recommend some beef jerky as a carnivore diet meal, but it's really difficult to get some with no high additives, spices, and even sugar thrown in. If you cant find any meat to buy, you can always make your own using ground beef, pork, or even chicken. A carnivore diet is high protein and low to zero carb. Now that you have your ground beef baseline for the carnivore diet food list, it's time to get you thinking about some other carnivorous weight loss foods delights. When this happens, the water that the glycogen was attached to leaves the body as urine, taking electrolytes with it. Master meat in the kitchen with our team of meat masters and our three FREE e-books. WebA carnivore diet is, as the name implies, a diet that consists entirely of animal-based foods. If youre brand new to a carnivore diet, start by cutting out processed foods and eating more whole foods. There are a variety of sauces to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your favorite dish. This have more micronutrients than vegetables. It can take a while to adjust to a carnivore diet, so be patient and dont give up on your goals. Large salt crystals, for example, add texture to steaks when salted at the proper time. Choose a good carnivore condiment from the list above in its place. Use fresh, natural ingredients whenever possible. Often enough, these guys will end up with more red meat than they can possibly handle themselves, and they're often happy enough to give some of it away. Buffalo sauce: This classic sauce is made with hot sauce, buffalo meat, and spices. If youre looking to up your game when it comes to preparing meat, a carnivore diet may be right for you. The next sauce is a barbecue sauce. This is applicable for keto diet, not carnivore diet. Fish and fish oils are a lot easier on the stomach, and your digestive system will process them much faster for better health benefits. WebThe Carnivore Diet is perfect for people who want to improve their health and achieve optimal performance. To make, use chicken stock or drippings from a roast. That's a ton of carbs locked up in the Food Pyramid, and probably 50% of your diet may compose of carbs alone. The Carnivore Diet is a great way to lose weight and improve your overall health. Bacon, Fatty Beef (Ribeyes), Ground Chuck, All Natural Sausage, and chicken legs make up about 90% of my diet. For one, a carnivore diet is high in protein and low in carbs. They can help to increase the amount of fiber that is consumed. So, without further ado, here are the top five flavors of condiments that are popular on a carnivore diet. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. In fact, people on carnivore diet are advised to best avoid processed meat. Its believed that this factor results from the synergistic effects of vitamin E, A, and vitamin K2. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); US Wellness Meats: Organic and grassfed meat including organ meats, liverworst, broth, and marrow bones. These differ in taste, vitamin and nutrient content, and price. So for every cup you drink, you will want to add some extra liquid as well. 2 tablespoons Swerve confectioners or a 1/2 teaspoon stevia glycerite 1 teaspoon coffee extract 1 teaspoon almond extract Instructions Place all the ingredients in a blender and puree until well combined. Start slowly. Teriyaki sauce: This sauce is made with soy sauce, sugar, garlic, and ginger, and is often used to flavor chicken, fish, and vegetables. Here are a few of the best condiments for a meat-based diet: We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This sauce is made of a variety of spices, including garlic and onion, and it is perfect for adding a. Carnivore Diet Sauces are an excellent way to add flavor and nutrients to your diet while satisfying your hunger for meat. Use them as a base for homemade sauces or dressings. It might seem counter-intuitive, but you will need quite a bit of high saturated animal fat in your carnivore diet food plan, even for weight loss. It is a Japanese sauce made from soybeans, wheat, and salt. The carnivore diet includes ruminant meat, like cattle, lamb, goat, antelope, elk, and deer, and non-ruminant meat, like pork, chicken, duck, and fish. Proceed with caution, or not at all, with the following: Nightshades, sweeteners, preservatives, and additives- no, thank you! Some herbs have more carbohydrates than others, but this is usually only an issue if you add a lot to your carnivore foods. In addition to their health benefits, Carnivore Diet Sauces are also delicious. In that case, you would have a base layer of beef, and sitting on top of that would be pork, poultry, game, and organ meats or animal foods. Make your own homemade sour cream with heavy cream and cultured buttermilk. Animal-based foods include meat, eggs, fish, and certain dairy products, and exclude all other foods fruit, vegetables, grains, and nuts. I use butter to make scrambled egg yolks or as a condiment with chicken, shrimp, and steak. Some of the most common carnivore diet condiments are garlic, onions, and herbs. When it comes to eating like a carnivore, its important to stick to a strict diet that includes all of the necessary ingredients for a successful hunt. One cardinal rule to remember is to avoid processed foods when on a carnivore diet also canned animal food. Get expert tips and tricks for succulent, perfectly seasoned meat dishes. This is highly recommended when on carnivore diet for reducing body fat. (4 Main Health Benefits & More). This is another area where carnivores are somewhat limited, and that's the in-between foods while on an all-meat diet. There are limitless possibilities for sauces on the Carnivore Diet. If you're lucky and see eggs from turkey, give these eggs a try. There are a number of condiments that can be used to flavor a carnivore diet. No, you cannot eat mayo on the carnivore diet, as most of the products you can buy are laced with carbs and sugars. Now, we used to think that a carnivore diet just turns that whole concept upside down. You can use it as a condiment on your food, or you can use it as the base for a hot sauce dish. In a diet that is based around meat and animal foods, herbs and spices are generally accepted, as you only consume trace amounts of them. Timothy believes that a good steak is a great conversation starter, and his love for food eventually brought him to start Carnivore Style, a website designed for meat lovers and all things meat-related. It is a good source It does not store any personal data. The Carnivore Diet is a revolutionary new way of eating that encourages you to feast on high-quality, nutrient-dense animal proteins and fats. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It does not store any personal data. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. How to Start the Ketogenic Diet & What You Can Eat on Keto, Keto Diet for Kids: Risks and Benefits (huge benefits! Remember that you should be aiming for 5 pints of H2O per day? All of these condiments are great additions to a carnivore diet. Honey is a great sweetener to add to your meat dishes. Ranch dressing is my top-favorite condiment because it's easy to whip up on the spot, and its super delicious. Ingredients 1 cup Avocado oil (bacon grease for carnivore diet) 2 egg yokes (chose the best pasture-raised eggs) 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar or lemon juice 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard Pinch sea salt Directions In most cases, seasonings and sauces has many carbs, which will cause all sorts of problems for your metabolism. Sometimes I throw in some bacon crumbles for a little crunch or add hot sauce for a bit of heat. That led him to experiment with a 30-day carnivore diet. Always buy clean mustard with no sugar, additives, or preservatives. Learn more here. Sensitive to dairy? If youre looking for a way to add some extra flavor to your carnivore diet, you might want to consider making your own sauces. For those who have lactose issues, homemade sour cream is much lower in lactose (milk sugar) than fluid milk. For a way of eating known for promoting simplicity over variety, the carnivore diet still has a place for a few nutritious condiments. Your body will also be taking in macros like fat and many minerals and vitamins for better health results, especially with the carnivore diet food pyramid. Overall, salt is perfect on its own and you dont need the extras! It. The flesh from both land animals and seafood qualify as acceptable options for the carnivore diet plan. 8 Best Condiments for the Carnivore Diet 1. It can also help to keep your food taste fresh, as the salsa will tend to lose its flavor over time. Serving suggestions: Squeeze into homemade chicken stock, over scrambled eggs, or dunk your fish and seafood into lemon juice. Because youre not eating carbsor any plant foods at allits crucial Lemon juice is another condiment to spice up your meals. For the days when you want to treat yourself, try out some of our favorite cuts of steak: As for cooking, if you don't like eating your beef medium-rare, then try to move towards it gradually. I love homemade ranch dressing because I think it's fresher, and you have more control over what goes into it. When I add lemon juice or zest to any organ meat dish, whether sweet or Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, lifestyle or dietary changes, treatments, and before undertaking a new health care regimen. The good news is that on this meat-only diet, the main rule is that if it walked, flew or swam, then it belongs on your plate. Dr. Shawn Baker even wrote the book called The Carnivore Diet. The main ingredient in a carnivore diet, meat provides all of the essential nutrients and protein necessary for a successful hunt. Almost all adherents of the Paleo-style diets do use butter and ghee for cooking. All of these foods have more fat content levels than your regular steaks. Can You Eat Pork Rinds on the Carnivore Diet? However, clean mustard can be found at nearly every grocery store- just look at the ingredients. I recommend you stay away from processed condiments (barbecue sauce, corn syrup, mayo, and ketchup) as much as possible. Food is not bad. Do you have any ideas? Garlic is another key ingredient in a carnivore diet. They didn't grow on animals, but plenty make the mistake that the fats and carbs will be good and a great way to boost energy. If you have autoimmune disease, or suspect you do, its best to stay away! High-carb snacks are an absolute no-no on a zero carb diet like this. But those who are doing the carnivore diet to help with health conditions will want to give healthy consideration before using any of these condiments. Soy sauce is a common condiment for a carnivore diet., Ive been asked this question a lot lately and I think its time someone gave an answer. Another way to up your fat intake when on carnivore diet is to use lard or tallow in a frying pan or skillet. Simply dice up bacon and fry as usual! There are a few things you need to know if you want to follow a carnivore diet. Some of the nutrients that Carnivores get from their prey include calcium, protein, and vitamin B12. I've been a follower of the carnivore diet for five years now, and I like to add organic condiments to keep things a little interesting. They also help to keep your food clean and healthy, as they are made with only the highest quality ingredients. However, that's the exact opposite of what people should do when making a carnivore diet food list. This means that they dont need to consume a lot of water or other liquids, which can help keep their bodies hydrated. The bottom line: fruits, vegetables and whole grains have essential nutrients and dietary fiber that you cant get from animal-based products, Van Horn says. Steak, burgers, and red meat in general are the main food sources for carnivore dieters. Looking for carnivore diet meal ideas? When it comes to buying meat, there were initially 4 different places that my colleagues and I had tried when we started the carnivore diet. Click here to see the current promotion and sign up now! You can find it at most convenience stores or grocery stores. To know more, you can read the review of Dr. Shawn Baker on Carnivore Diet. or you can use it as the base for a hot sauce dish. You may think that now that youre a carnivore, Kentucky Fried Chicken is the place to go, but hold up there! No vegetables. You can achieve your desired health and fitness results along with high energy levels with these beef cuts for your specialized way of eating. Sour cream is equal parts fun and yum as a carnivore diet condiment. If you're using heavy whipping cream, it should be pasteurized, not unpasteurized. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". We're a news, analysis, and opinion platform for everything related to the carnivore diet and lifestyle. Read:Carnivore Diet Vitamin C Deficiency Signs and Solutions. The Carnivore Diet is high in quality protein and omega-3 fatty When on a zer-carb carnivore diet, you should have five pints (2.4 liters) of water every day. Runny yolks! Most folks will call you crazy for even thinking of eating nothing but meat. A post shared by The Fertile Carnivore, MD (@doctorkiltz). Ingredients: Eggs ( ASHLEY20 for 20% off) Ground pork. Second, you need to be aware of the different types of carnivores. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". WebCarbohydrates 2g 1% Sugar 1g 1% Protein 59g 118% Vitamin A 835IU 17% Vitamin C 1mg 1% Calcium 354mg 35% Iron 2mg 11% * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. This includes beef, pork, lamb and any other ruminants (e.g., camels and goats). It breaks just about all the rules and delivers outstanding results. I applaud those of you who have chosen to adopt a carnivore diet its a truly inspired choice that can help you improve your health and physique. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Pork rinds. Carnivore diet sauces are a great way to add flavor and variety to your carnivore diet. Make sure your protein sources are organic and grass-fed. Make sure it's made with whole-natural milk. It's not ideal, and you might struggle to find some of the more obscure types, but it's always an option. Move over, Colonel Saunders! And when you're buying in high bulk, they will be welcoming you with open arms. You'll get that lovely crispy outer fat, along with juicy flavors on the inside. These have fewer ingredients and are devoid of industrial seed oil (canola oil), added sugar, and preservatives that can impede your immune system. Check out the 30-Day Carnivore Meal Plan! Taco seasoning, seasoning salt, steak rub- often these pantry go-to meat additives contain sugar, MSG, starch, wheat, and other food additives. His joint pain vanished, and he never went back. Yes, you'll have all the macros to keep you fueled, but it could be sitting heavy in your gut. When it comes to the carnivore diet, it can be a little tough to stick to the designated list of approved foods. Worcester sauce: This classic British condiment is perfect for adding a little sweetness and savory flavor to your meals. The vitamin K2 in cheese offers powerful cardioprotection. salt becomes even more important. Gabriel is a professional chef who enjoys grilling with his friends. Click here to see all of my carnivore recipes and here to see all of my animal WebSo I recently started carnivore and I understand there are no spices/ plants allowed on it. Basic mustard is made from mustard seed, vinegar, turmeric, and salt. Simmer over medium-low heat the stock or drippings until thickened, adding salt after reducing to desired consistency. Add water, salt, butter, and/or cream, and even bone marrow for desired texture and flavor. However, this is a plant-based processed food you should avoid if you want to get the full benefits of the pure carnivore diet. Depending on personal preferences, this list might also include eggs, full However, there are some non-meat products allowed on low-carb diets like the carnivore diet. Hot sauce is a type of sauce made from peppers and tomatoes. Super easy, delicious, and fun! Sour Cream might be a yummy sauce with your beef broth. You may think these processed meats are counted as snacks on your carnivore diet food list, but it doesn't. Vinegar. They add a unique flavor profile that will make your meals that much more enjoyable. Can You Drink Protein Shakes On The Carnivore Diet? Mustard (or Mustard Seed Oil) is an excellent emulsifier that helps me blend oil and water seamlessly when cooking. Garlic and onions can be bought at most grocery stores, and herbs can be found at most health food stores. The reason we recommend you to avoid vegetables, herbs, or any other plant foods is to take full advantage of this type of elimination diet. A carnivore diet is high in protein and low in carbs, so make sure youre getting the right nutrients to support your health and weight loss goals. I have a jar of grass-fed, pasture raised Australian beef broth concentrate (it is highly concentrated a paste) and am trying to figure out a way to maybe use it as a condiment? Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, this savory, carnivore, pork-based sandwich bread is perfect for sandwiches, spreads, or can be toasted and eaten alone. The first sauce is a simple chimichurri sauce. Best Carnivore Diet Sauces for Every Meal. Many peoplecount macros for weight loss. Bone broth is full of collagen, which has excellent healing properties for your skin, hair, connective tissue, and is known to improve cartilage health. No more vegetables this time. Also called a zero-carb diet or animal-sourced foods (ASF) diet, the carnivore diet typically consists of 100% animal foods meat, fish, eggs, high-fat dairy products, and animal fats. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Carnivore diet involves eating all animal products, including dairy & eggs. WebCarnivore Diet Condiments Traditional condiments arent allowed according to the carnivore diet food list. These include things like salt, pepper, herbs, spices, and sauces. Organic and grass-fed meat is generally the healthiest for the carnivore diet food pyramid. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. The health benefits of a Carnivore Diet are numerous. That's the main reason we don't use them for all our needs, but having many frozen stuff as a backup is always a good idea. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. If you are trying to get extreme health issues under control, or. Some of them are not even on carnivore diet; they just love animal hunting. Recipe: Oven-Baked Tritip (just beef and salt). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Table of Contents 1 Salt 2 Butter 3 Carnivore Diet Mayonnaise 4 Carnivore Cheese Sauce 5 Bacon Sprinkles 6 Fish Sauce 7 Meat Reduction Sauce 8 Sour Cream Carnivore Diet Condiments: The Bottom Line. You can also experiment with each of them and try creating your own mixes from ground spices and herbs. While it might not always look like a great idea to put a slice of cheese on your meat, you can use dairy-based products as snacks in between meals. This includes condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayo, salad dressing, and any sauce that isnt pure broth made from bone marrow. In any case, barbecue sauce will have night shades, which are some of the more problematic plants. You just get used to it, and you certainly won't be missing the hangovers. Fish sauce is a national food essence for the Vietnamese people which differentiates their cuisine from the rest of the world. If youre not familiar with the carnivore diet, its exactly what it says on the tin: a diet of only animal foods and salt. Tabasco sauce: This fiery condiment is a must-have on any carnivores arsenal. The Carnivore Diet aims to come as close as possible to zero grams of carbs a day. There are many condiments that can be used with a carnivore diet. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Add them to soups or stews to add a rich, hearty flavor. Though store-bought mayo is a big NO, due to toxic seed oils, homemade carnivore mayo is a carnivore dream. The long-term health benefits of water are more than you can imagine. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Here are some tips for making the perfect Carnivore Diet sauces: Carnivore diet sauces provide a delicious way to add flavor to your meals without adding any extra calories or fat. Mix your ingredients in a tight lid jar and store them at room temperature until it thickens to your liking. If you're stuck with a tight budget for your carnivore diet meal plan, then check out either the butcher area of your supermarket or the pre-packed meat section. Non-carnivores in your family will love it on veggies as well. Your email address will not be published. Cut the bacon into pieces and fry them in a pan. Yes, you are not only allowed but encouraged to spread your steaks with butter on Here are my favorite low-carb herb alternatives. Fish cooks fast so you can have your lunch ready in about 10 minutes. Youll need to further increase liquid intake if you exercise a lot. There are several meat delivery services like ButcherBox offering safe methods. If you really scour the shelves, or your make your own, you can use additive and sugar-free sauce. Pepper is also essential to a carnivore diet. On regular meat and plant-based diets with plenty of fruits and vegetables, those foods contain a lot of H2O. There are many different types of condiments that can be used on a carnivore diet. Cutting carbs causes insulin levels to drop, causing the body to release glycogen stored in muscles. No, eating only protein is not dangerous. Here are a few tips to help you get started on a carnivore diet: This is important because conventionally raised animals are given antibiotics, hormones, and other harmful chemicals, which can compromise their health and produce unhealthy meat. This sauce is made by combining olive oil, vinegar, and parsley. This makes them a great way to maintain your weight and reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Yes, you can eat yogurt on the carnivore diet, but keep in mind that dairy products contain a certain amount of natural sugar. The carnivore diet includes ruminant meat, like cattle, lamb, goat, antelope, elk, and deer, and non-ruminant meat, like pork, chicken, duck, and fish. Its earthy, and savory, with hints of noncarnivore food flavors like mushrooms, soy, and roasted tomatoes, rounded by a briny, caramel sweetness. There are many different types of carnivore diet condiments, and they can be found in many different places. Most popular condiments, like ketchup, mustard, mayo, bbq sauce, and dressings, contain nearly all of these non-carnivore ingredients. Meat. soy sauce: Soy sauce is a versatile and essential condiment for any carnivore. Some people think that it can help provide some additional amino acids, but thats completely unnecessary. The vitamin K2 in cheese offers powerful cardioprotection. Its perfect for making chicken teriyaki, stir. Ingredient: Soybean oil, water, whole eggs, egg yolks, distilled When it comes to what you drink, the choices are slim when on this all-meat elimination diet. Simply mix the two ingredients together in a jar, tightly screw on a lid, and store in the dark at room temperature for 24 hours. (Is It Safe & Should You Eat It), When Can Babies Eat Meat? Salt. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Members of the press are welcome to contact us regarding Doctor Kiltz and CNY Fertility. The flesh from both land animals and seafood qualify as acceptable options for the carnivore diet plan. Spoon this rich sauce over sliced meat, chicken, or more! Another great way to add flavor to a carnivore diet is by cooking with animal. Yes, you can now buy meat online. A few tablespoons of butter slathered over your favorite cut of meat or seafood is often the key to meeting your carnivore diet macro goals. Carnivore Diet Mayonnaise Recipe. Animal studies show that ghee can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It has hundreds of simple but delightfully nutrient-dense recipes, including reminders about yummy condiments and sauces that support your carnivore diet. This includes condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayo, salad dressing, and any sauce that But if youre looking to cut down on your meat intake, you might want to consider a carnivore diet. Instead, you can make your own breading at home using pork rind crumbs, and stay on carnivore while getting all the crispy goodness! is all you need to ignite your taste buds. Foods You Cant Eat On The Carnivore Diet: 1. Some other common places to find carnivore diet condiments are at restaurants, in the meat section of grocery stores, and online. Fillet (best avoided due to price and very limited saturated fat). Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Always go for low-carb herbs and spices if you're following a strict meat lifestyle. A warmer steak temperature allows the lemon oils to infuse well and give you a zesty fragrance. The Ancestral Diet: What is Ancestral Nutrition and Health? Most herbs and spices are also off the list because they come from plants. Enjoy immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. Other yummy carnivore diet recipes: Keto Lasagna (cheese noodles, relaxed carnivore) Low-Carb Sausage Balls Parmesan-Pork Meatballs (zero carb, carnivore, keto) It has no artificial chemicals or growth hormones. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Can You Have Dairy on the Carnivore Diet? You may think Salt provides electrolytes and minerals, including sodium, potassium, and chloride. You can make quite a few condiments out of animal foods, making them completely suitable for the carnivore diet! Some of our favorites are bone marrow and organ meats. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Cooking meat is all about heat management, and understanding the interaction of meat, heat and fat. Some milk is okay, but keep it to a minimum as it does contain high sugar. What condiments can you use on the carnivore diet? If you need a side dish to your porterhouse steak, then consider a few slices of bacon, bone marrow, or some animal liver to increase your body's protein intake. For most carnivore enthusiasts, a well-salted fatty cut of steaklooking at you, ribeyeis all you need to ignite your taste buds. Or you can add the non-carnivore ingredients and use them as a treat-day condiment. But I also love condiments. These people will have a huge amount of knowledge about different animal cuts. Here are some ideas for using carnivore diet sauces in your home cooking: If youre considering a carnivore diet for health or weight loss, here are some tips for making the transition. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. One thing we would suggest, although not mandatory, is to stick with eating organic eggs for optimum health purposes. Some condiments are 100% carnivore approved, some are okay for most people, and some condiments really are best left in the grocery store while you do the carnivore diet. The Carnivore Diet is perfect for people who want to improve their health and achieve optimal performance. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. What we would also suggest is trying out a hot cup of bone broth instead to power you through your day while on diet. That thick crispy breading is made from wheat, additives (again!) But salt is the ultimate carnivore diet condiment for more reasons than flavor. We found that after about 3 or 4 weeks, many people really didn't crave a beer anymore. It has a higher butter-fat content of roughly 80%; this will give your creamier, super delicious sauces for your steaks. He also recommended trying organ meats, fresh ground beef, and medium-rare to medium-well cooking to attain Vitamin C and other nutrients while on carnivore diet. This kind of diet usually calls for grass-fed, pasture-raised meats and wild-caught seafood.
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